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Hydrocolateral Therapy

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What is Hydrocollator therapy?

Hydrocollator therapy is a form of physical therapy that uses moist heat to relieve pain and muscle spasms, improvement of range of motion, and improvement of localized circulation to the treatment area. Physiotherapist use hot packs that are soaked in a tank with hot water maintained at 160-166F. Hydrocollator Packs are a combination of bentonite clay and other natural fillings that absorbs hot water and retains the heat for a long period of time. Hydrocollator packs are more effective for treating pain than electrical pads because moist heat relaxes muscles and nerves without drawing up moisture from the skin, so the affected area stays hydrated – this is important for a faster healing process.

What are the clinical conditions to be treated by hydrocollator therapy?

Following condictiones can be treated:
  • Muscle strain
  • Sprain
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Lumbo-sacral pain
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Headaches
  • joint relaxation
  • Inflammation
  • Oedema
  • Adhesions

What are the steps of hydrocollator therapy?

  • Position the patient comfortably with good body alignment.
  • Explain procedure to the patient and advise of expected sensation.
  • Inspect the area to be treated for skin integrity and sensation.
  • Place 6-8 layers of towels on the part to be treated.
  • Place the pack in a plastic bag and then in a terry cloth sleeve cover. Place on the toweled area. Cover the area with a sheet or towel to prevent heat loss. More towel layers may be necessary if the patient is lying on the pack.
  • Treatment should last 20 minutes or until pack begins to cool. Check the patient after 5-10 minutes.

What are the benefits of hydrocollator therapy?

  • Increases the blood flow, bringing along proteins and oxygen to applying area
  • Decrease joint stiffness
  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Relieves Soreness
  • Heals Injuries
  • Quicker & deeper penetration of Body Tissues