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Manual Therapy

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What is Manual Therapy?

Manual Therapy is a special form of physical therapy delivered with hands. It is a method by which physiotherapists can assess and treat their patients with skilled hand movements. The basic aim is to improve tissue extensibility, increase range of motion, induce relaxation, mobilize or manipulate soft tissue and joints, modulate pain, change muscle function, improve movement patterns, and reduce soft tissue swelling, inflammation, or restriction.

What are the types of Manual Therapy?

  • Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT)
  • Myofascial Release
  • Muscle Energy Technique (MET)
  • Neural Tissue Tension Techniques
  • Strain Counter strain
  • Positional Release Therapy
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Visceral Mobilization
  • Joint Mobilization
  • Medical Massage
  • Edema Massage
  • Lymphedema and Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)
  • Range of Motion
  • Manual Stretching
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
  • Mobilization with Movement
  • Active Release
  • Manual Traction
  • Trigger Point Therapy

What are the clinical conditions can be treated by manual therapy?

Manual therapy is often utilized for issues stemming from the spine, including acute and chronic back pain. However, the technique is often implemented to treat a wide variety of issues, including:

  • Neck pain
  • Neck injuries
  • Hand, wrist, elbow, or shoulder problems
  • Hip, knee, ankle, or foot problems
  • Accident-caused injuries
  • Work related injuries
  • Muscle spasms/ tension